Service Level Agreement

FAST TECHNOLOGY’s IT Infrastructure Solutions include a suite of robust and business-friendly design, development, deployment and installation services that deliver value to your business. IT Infrastructure components include hardware, software, networking components, an operating system (OS), and data storage, all of which are used to deliver IT services and solutions.


SLA (Service Level Agreement)

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and its customers that documents what services the provider will furnish and defines the service standards the provider is obligated to meet.In a nutshell, an SLA is all about outsourcing and improving the quality of service you are obliged to retain for smooth operations of your business; cost effectively. It enables you to focus on your core business operations by relieving you of the hassle of maintaining and running non-core business operations.

FAST TECHNOLOGY offers best in class SLA (Service Level Agreement) terms with assured service quality at unbeatable prices. We furnish term bound SLA services for: